Tag Archives: aWAKENING

A Council of Nine

I heard these words this morning as sat in prayer for our planet: A Council of Nine. The words coincided with this question: What if we stopped fighting globalization and embraced it? What if we stopped trying to make one country or another great and made our planet great? Becoming one global community is the natural progression of an evolving species able to recognize their common ground. The constant battle for who is right and who is the mightiest must give way to a recognition of our common source, common needs, and common desires.

What if we stopped? Right now? What if we stopped this insane cycle of victim and victor consciousness and stepped into an elevated awareness? The goals, the desires, the deep needs of our hearts can never be met while this cycle continues. It is only in letting go of those childish ways that we mature as spiritual beings. As human beings, for that matter.

It is time to embrace one another. To honor one another’s history, to respect one another’s spiritual beliefs – or lack of them – and recognize we are one people. living on one planet, amid infinite universes. Together, we are strong, alive, and living our purpose. Divided, we step out of the rhythm and harmony of life, and we fall.

What is the Council of Nine? I’m still allowing those words to meander through my mind. Does it represent the seven chakras with an additional one for the earth and one for the sky? Perhaps. Do they represent nine aspects of human consciousness common to all sentient beings? Possibly. Does it represent nine highly evolved human beings, each representing a group of people here on earth – seven continents, one ocean, and one connecting the earth to the universe? A concept to ponder to be sure.

For today, I sit in an awareness that I am a spiritual being having a minimum of seven spiritual centers actively moving throughout my physical and energetic bodies, each connecting me through the ethers to all other beings. I focus too on the energy center below and the energy center above connecting me to earth and sky. I affirm my oneness with all that is and seek to find the subtly expanding light of individuals awakening everywhere. The threads of light connecting us create a great web of life, love, and universal harmony. This is the greatness upon which we must turn our attention. We are one, though some may not know it yet. We are one, and all is evolving and unfolding in perfect divine order.

© 2019. Eileen Patra.

Eileen Patra is an ordained Unity minister and the author of The Mystical Ark: A Vessel of Blessings available at www.themysticalark.com and other fine retailers.

Wake Up! It’s Time to be You!

Wake Up! It’s Time to be You!

I was a typical, rebellious, and always-in-need-of-more-sleep, teenager. My mother had a heck of a time getting me out of bed in the morning – or even the afternoon on weekends. Perhaps you can relate. Perhaps you can hear that voice that called you repeatedly, “Wake up. You’ll be late for school.” Or, as I would often hear, “Wake up. The early bird catches the worm.” Like I had any intention of eating worms!

Today, I wake up before the sun rises. It’s something that happens to some of us as we enter our golden years. Maybe they’re golden because we’ve started catching those worms. I don’t know, but I do know it’s time to wake up. Not because it’s time for school. Not because there are worms to catch. But because it’s time to be you.

“I am awake.” You say. How could I be anything other than me?” You ask. But are you truly awake to who you really are? Are you awake to all that you are intended to be? Are you awake and catching the unique and glorious role you play in the grander scheme of life?

You are an individualized expression of the Divine. You are an integral part of a greater whole. Everything you think, do and say is vital to the life and well being of the whole. It is impossible to be separate from this wholeness. But you can, and many of us often are, asleep to it.

We live in a world that functions on separation. What we see with our physical eyes and experience with our physical feelings tells us – no – convinces us that we are alone, completely independent from one another. But this is not the truth of you.

I watched a video yesterday of an aerial view of trees moving in the breeze. It was a fascinating image. The trees moved in such unison they appeared to be one organism, breathing in absolute harmony. In essence, they are exactly that; one organism breathing in harmony. Yet, from our everyday perspective, each one appears to be a separate tree.

So it is with our human expressions of life; one organism appearing as separate beings, having unique shapes, sizes, and personalities. Yet, from a higher perspective, all are one living, breathing expression of the Essence of Life.

When you are truly awake to your role in this magnificent whole, you can no longer feel alone. You lose the desire to judge, to fight, or to be better-than. Instead, you desire and exude harmony. Your harmonizing efforts may seem small at first, unimportant, unproductive. But every thought, every movement, every action stimulates a reaction in the whole. Like a tree responding to the wind, its movement creating an additional breeze influencing the movement of the one next to it, what you do stimulates a response from the person next to you.

Our world has been moving in a state of disharmony long enough. Nothing that you do in this life is as vital as recognizing the power of the Divine within you and living from this awakened state of being. When you reawaken every single day, every single moment and breathe this harmonized thought into expression, you make a difference in the world around you. As harmony is reflected back to you, your understanding and desire for unity increases and you move in even greater harmony. The feeling and awareness grow.

It’s time. It’s past time. Wake up and be you. The world needs you right now.

© 2019. Eileen Patra. All rights reserved.

Eileen Patra is an author, inspirational speaker, and retired Unity minister. She is the author of the life-changing metaphysical and visionary novel, The Mystical Ark, available from retailers and wholesalers everywhere including:

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Beyond The Tomb

The angels in Jesus’ tomb asked Mary Magdalene, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” Why indeed do we seek new life, a new way of being, while continuing to do what we have always done?  Why do we seek freedom among the thoughts, words and actions that have held us captive?

To live beyond what might seem like a tomb, we must be willing to bless what has passed and then look beyond it.  A tomb experience in life can be anything that draws us apart for a while and provides an opportunity for growth and realignment with Spirit.  A process of deep and lasting change is revealed when we explore four stages of transformation that take place in the tomb; renunciation, retreat, resurrection and realization. 

On the cross, Jesus renounced the world as his source and commended his Spirit to God.  He took the final step toward overcoming the greatest block to transformation; the belief that life is created and sustained by the world.  What is demonstrated for us through the crucifixion and resurrection is that   Life is independent of the world.  Life, the flow of Spirit within us, creates the world according to our ability and willingness to allow Truth to be expressed through us.

Jesus was laid in a tomb, retreating from the world for three days. Three is symbolic of completion in Spirit, soul and body.  Resurrection is instant, simultaneous in Spirit, but soul and body require a time of unfolding. When we pray, our prayers are answered the instant we release them to Spirit.  Yet, most often, a time of quiet reflection and letting go is required for our prayers to fully manifest in our minds, hearts and body.

Mary returns to the tomb with the intention of blessing what she believes is lost.  The willingness to bless what has passed away rolls away the stone and opens the way for divine inspiration. When we bless what has passed for the opportunities of growth and realignment provided, blockages are removed and our way is made clear.

Mary did not realize that the gardener was Jesus until he spoke to her.  When he did, she ran to inform the others.  When we realize something we incorporate the new information at all levels of being. Only then is deep and lasting change made possible.  The risen Christ sent his followers to convert the nations.  To convert is to change. To convert the nations is to change everything.  Realization happens in us when we recognize the Christ as the Life within each of us and then inform every level of our being to live this Truth.  When we live this Truth everything is made new and we live beyond the tomb.  

© 2016.  Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

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A Miracle A Day, Day 97

telescope.cc.2461355915_755e9708eb_mA TELESCOPE houses a set of lenses that allow us to see over a great distance.  As I look through my telescope I can see the eagles nesting in the cellular tower ½ mile away.  They are just tiny specs, almost imperceptible to my physical eyes, but focusing this set of lenses I can see them as they build their nest, raise their young and then fly off to distant places. Through these lenses I can see the stars, satellites passing by, and the craters of the moon.  I can see things that are always there but too far away to see.  Did you know that we each have a telescope within us?  There are lenses we see through that can be focused to see more clearly.  We call this perspective and we can choose a new perspective any time.  We can also widen the lens to include other perspectives, gaining a greater view. We also have within us the ability to see the invisible.  Some call this faculty the third eye. Some call it clairvoyance.  The Hebrew Scriptures called those who could see the invisible prophets.  This inner telescope does not need to stretch out to see more clearly.  Rather, we simply need to allow the physical eyes to grow dim, to see through them less and behold instead the vision within us.  Seeing through spiritual eyes is like viewing a holograph that takes shape in our very midst.  The holograph is malleable, formable and greatly responsive to Light.  As I view the holographic image of myself and the world around me I see more clearly.  Judgment transforms to discernment.  Heaviness transforms to movement. Shadows become illuminated. Telescopes are miraculous devices and the telescope in me is miraculously and wondrously made.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.  To view the entire Miracle A Day series, visit her Facebook page

A Miracle A Day, Day 94

MIRROR.CC.26473288921_86c1832d80_mMIRRORS provide us with the opportunity to see ourselves as others see us.  That first moment when humankind caught a glimpse of self in a still pond must have been an amazing experience.  There would have been an instant of recognition of the self being much like the others in the clan, yet somehow different and distinct.  MIRRORS that reflect our physical appearance give us that opportunity today; a glimpse of the self as a similar, yet unique member of the human experience. Metaphorical MIRRORS provided by other people in our lives reflect characteristics we may not have noticed or owned about ourselves. These are MIRRORS that help us grow and evolve in self-awareness. But there is yet another type of MIRROR that reflects much more than our physical being.  There is an inner MIRROR that gives us a view of who we are beyond our physical appearance.  Because it is within however, does not make it small.  Instead, this is a MIRROR without limit.  It might be called a “cosmic” MIRROR, one which reflects the image and likeness of God in us.  This MIRROR sees through the physical being and beyond the perceived limitations and cultural baggage we might carry.  This MIRROR allows us to see ourselves as a member of an infinite, ever-expanding clan of consciousness, yet a unique and individualized expression in it.  This is a reflection that lifts us into seeing and being all that we are meant to be.  MIRRORS are miraculous and they are all around us and deep within us.  

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.  To view the entire Miracle A Day series, visit her Facebook page

A Miracle A Day, Day 89

future.cc.9683205509_f23e35ca06_mThe FUTURE I hold in my mind is a miracle. Through the ability to experience sequence, I can perceive what is yet to be.  Through the power of Imagination, I can direct my thoughts and creative energies toward a FUTURE I find desirable.  The image I hold is one in which all beings are awakened to their Divinity; all beings are awakened to their self-worth.  Awakened in this way, I see all beings beholding the sacredness of one another.  In this FUTURE no one is left out.  No one is excluded, and no one would even consider harming another.  Each person thrives in an occupation that feeds them as much spiritually and emotionally as it does physically and financially.  Everyone listens, everyone speaks with love and kindness.  Everyone honors and respects the ideas, views and needs of one another. In this FUTURE, compassion and understanding are the foundation of all activity.  This is a FUTURE that is a miracle, and the even greater miracle is that it is achievable.  With God, with the power and gifts already bestowed upon us as the image and likeness of God, ALL things are possible.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.  To view the entire Miracle A Day series, visit her Facebook page

A Miracle A Day, Day 85

shoulders.cc.531348378_9ec875fbc6_qSHOULDERS are a fascinating miracle of the human structure.  An intricate assemblage of bone, joint, tissue, muscle and tendon, SHOULDERS provide a variety of useful functions. They allow us to reach objects high above our heads.  SHOULDERS assist in the pushing and pulling of heavy objects.  SHOULDERS provide a great place for the neck and head to rest.  And the SHOULDER can be a place where we allow a friend or loved one to rest their head in times of stress or grief.  More, SHOULDERS are symbolic of strength and stature.  They are a platform for another to stand upon.  When I was a child I played with these magnetic plastic people.  The object was to see how many could stand upon each other’s shoulders.  They fascinated me.  I found I could build a sturdier structure by placing them in a pyramid form; more on the bottom than on the top, each one holding only a portion of the weight of the next.  This seemed to be the best solution for creating the highest formation.  We are continuously standing on the SHOULDERS of those who have preceded us; in our lives, in our work, in our families and in our world.  And we in turn will provide the SHOULDERS for those who come after us.  It is an outworking of Divine proportions.  Working together, supporting just a portion of one another we create something much higher than ourselves.  SHOULDERS are a miraculous manifestation of strength and stature and we can join together to build something quite high, stable and ultimately miraculous.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

A Miracle A Day, Day 84

invention.cc.12716967264_0ba3da36ee_qINVENTION is the miracle that transcends convention.  With every new INVENTION, the human experience is moved from what has been to something new.  Many INVENTIONS have materialized in the many millennia behind us.  Countless more will unfold in centuries to come.  A true INVENTION is something original; something that has never been created before.  An INVENTION usually fulfills a real or perceived need.  The INVENTION of the automobile perceived a need for faster, better transportation.  The INVENTION of the refrigerator perceived a need for better food preservation.  What need exists in your mind and heart today and what new thought might you INVENT within yourself to fulfill that need?  A need upon one’s heart is God calling forth a greater activity.  What will you allow God to INVENT in you today?

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

A Miracle A Day, Day 82

idea.cc.7650740066_bb5e4ea62b_qIDEAS spark possibilities.  They are a miracle of the mind.  IDEAS, like dreams, access the power of imagination.  IDEAS are constantly connecting us to the divine and bringing the future into the present moment.  An IDEA is a thought that sparks a new way of being or a new way of doing something.  For an IDEA to take hold it is vital that the old way of doing, thinking or being is released.  Without that act of release, the IDEA has no room to peak through or take form. IDEAS are miracles continuously popping into our minds, inspiring us to create something greater than the current experience. God once had an IDEA.  It was an IDEA of a world in perfect balance, populated with spiritual beings that would have creative IDEAS themselves, IDEAS that would be fruitful and multiply.   Open the space for a new IDEA.  Honor the new IDEA of another.  Work together to try new IDEAS and begin to manifest an entirely new way of being.  Right now, this very moment, someone has a better IDEA of how the world can become a thriving, fruitful place that works for all.  Perhaps, we can join together and release the way things have always been to make room for the Divine IDEAS that will carry us to the next phase of spiritual evolution.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

A Miracle A Day, Day 72

forgivenessFORGIVENESS is the miracle that frees the soul.  Anger and judgment create a density of energy that envelops the soul and clouds the mind.  It is the very thing that calls for FORGIVENESS that makes it a miracle as it calls us through the dense energy that encases us in a feeling of powerlessness.   FORGIVENESS is a continuous process of releasing the grip that anger and judgment hold us in.  When we FORGIVE, we release ourselves from the tomb of powerlessness.  What had angered us or caused us to feel pain no longer has power over us.  We recognize that the pain we feel is something within our own minds and we let it go.  What rushes in is the infinite love of Spirit that heals all wounds and empowers all Life.  FORGIVENESS is a miracle that reunites us with the divinity implanted in the center of our being.  FORGIVE someone today and be set free.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra