Category Archives: Wisdom

The Wonder of You!

As the celebration of Christmas grows near, so too do the signs of the Wonder of Christmas; lights, nativity scenes, shopping and wrapping of special gifts, trimming of trees, and the look of wonder in the eyes of children. It is, as the song suggests, “the most wonderful time of the year.” Until it isn’t.

A day meant to fill our hearts with joy, and hope often gets lost in the stress of meeting expectations, our own and those of the world around us. For some, the day itself may be associated with painful memories or the loss of loved ones. “Where is the wonder?” Your heart may ask.

The Wonder can still be found. It lies in a deeper and richer understanding of the nativity story itself, one that goes beyond the words transcribed on the page. Historians and Bible scholars debate the facts and authenticity of the story. Dates and times do not align with the scarce bits of recorded history from the time. The story seems to be purposeful in connecting Jesus to the lineage of the House of David, which causes some to speculate its intention. But the Wonder is not to be found in aligning historical facts or scriptural prophecies. It is found in the deeper meaning of a story rich with symbolism.

Jesus taught through parables, stories that symbolized elements of the human experience, its challenges, endeavors, and divine potential. His followers would have done the same. They would have incorporated this compelling, symbolic story-telling into their work and embedded it in the most magnificent parable of all, the birth, life, and death of their Master and Way-shower, Jesus.

What then, are the characters and elements of the nativity story trying to tell us? Could each of them be an aspect of our own consciousness giving birth to an expression of God? Could they represent a recognition of ourselves as both fully human and fully divine? Could they describe the seeking of something greater, of hope and faith and joy, found not in a stable but in a humble place within the human heart?

Most of this spectacular story is found in the Gospel of Luke. But an additional, wonder-filled story is relayed in the second chapter of Matthew, where we find wise ones from the east following a star to an unknown place in the west. A songwriter calls it the Star of Wonder. And no doubt it was a wonder.

Imagine what kind of star or sign would cause you to embark on a lengthy and dangerous journey wrought with spitting camels, narrow mountain passages, desert storms, thieves, and a dubious, deceitful king. It would have to be a great sign, a wonder on par with perhaps the Seven Wonders of the World. Bigger than life. Awe-inspiring. Overwhelming. Beautiful. Perhaps an inkling of something wonderful being born, leading you to a place of perfect peace, hope, and wholeness.

This awe-inspiring light, one that would encourage you to traverse all obstacles to discover its source lies within you. The star represents a glimmer of light, an inspiring thought that stimulates the wise ones, the Power of Wisdom within you that sometimes lies dormant. The Star of Wonder is the great light of Spiritual Understanding, offering clarity and guidance.

Where there is light, we can see what we could not see in the darkness. Our way is made clear. This Light of Understanding within you continually guides the wisdom in you through the challenges and difficulties of human life to a place where you can lay down the worldly gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh in exchange for the spiritualized gifts of Infinite Abundance, Divine Love, and a recognition of the eternal nature of the Essence of Life in you and all around you.

The gifts of the wise ones represent capacities that are always within you but are spiritualized or spiritually empowered when brought under the direction of the Christ or Higher-self. These wonders within you are most accessible when you make the journey from your head to your heart, where the Christ of you is continuously born anew and awaits your return in consciousness.

The Wonder of Christmas is not lost. The Wonder is you. You, as an expression of the eternal, all-pervading Essence of Life. Now that is a Wonder that can never be lost, only hidden. Breathe in the glow of the inner star and be guided in all that you do to the peaceful place of absolute wholeness with you.

Have a Wonder-filled Christmas, and enjoy a spectacular new You.

© 2019. Rev. Eileen Patra.

Eileen Patra is an ordained Unity Minister and the author of The Mystical Ark: A Vessel of Blessings. She is currently serving as co-minister at the Spiritual Life Center in Troy, Michigan and guest speaking at a variety of Unity churches. She is currently working on her second book, Living as the Ark. Learn more about The Mystical Ark at

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A Blue Heron Crossed My Path

This morning, as I looked out the kitchen window of our cabin, I saw my Blue Heron. He doesn’t belong to me in an ownership way. No one can own a heron. They are free and independent beings. But this heron has graced the shore of our lake since before we bought the place. I’m sure it is not the same heron. Probably an offspring, maybe several generations later, but there is always just the one. Sometimes he flies by. Sometimes he lands on our raft, called Monkey Island. Most often, though, he just walks the shore as if he is taking a morning stroll. Hunting is more likely, but his grace and beauty convey a stroll.

Today, as I watched this glorious being on his daily constitutional, I stopped what I was doing and attempted to unite with him energetically. The endeavor became my morning meditation. I watched, then close my eyes and imagined being there next to him, asking if I could join him. I inquired what his message was for me, and he stopped. He stopped right in front of Monkey Island and stood for the longest time. I thought perhaps he saw me and perceived a threat. Or, maybe he heard me and was either considering my request or seeking to answer my question.

The first word I heard was “patience.” He stood utterly motionless for what seemed like hours. I watched the water move about him in circular currents, one merging with the other. It was a beautiful sight to see. A painting I may attempt someday. The heron stood as if frozen in time, as the currents moved past him and all around him. They encircled him then subsided. Still, there he stood like a statue, unmoving, one eye peering in my direction. “I’m not a predator,” I said.

“Your eyes tell me otherwise.” He replied.

I stood still, allowing him to perceive that I was not a threat, just curious and receptive. Then I saw the other thing that held him captive in that spot. It was Monkey Island, an obstacle. He stood before the obstacle and waited for what seemed like an eternity to me. I hadn’t noticed the raft as an obstacle before. I think I heard him call it that. “Obstacle.”

I wonder if he will go around it or fly over it, I thought.

No sooner had the thought left my head than he lifted his foot above the water, stretched his head up high, and slowly, purposefully moved around the raft. He walked over the yellow rope fastening it to the shore for the winter. He ducked under the little plank we use as a bridge to it. He gracefully lifted his feet over the second yellow rope as if it were not even there. He then continued his walk along the shore, past the pine trees that border our yard from our neighbors, and then out of sight.

A heron crossed my path today. He shared his grandeur with me. He allowed me to watch and admire him. His message was patience, observation, and purposeful steps around obstacles. I feel blessed and inspired. Thank you, dear Blue Heron. You are mine, but more, you are yours, and you are everyone’s, a blessing in the form of Light, feathers, warmth, patience, and beauty.

© 2019. Eileen Patra. Eileen Patra is the author of “The Mystical Ark: A Vessel of Blessings” available at and other fine retailers. She is also an ordained Unity minister guest speaking around the country bringing her message of Love, Light and Hope to people everywhere.

Photo courtesy of Scottslm/Pixabay

More Precious Than Jewels In You

more precious than jewels.1200“More precious than jewels,” is the noble woman according to the Book of Proverbs.  But, in a previous chapter, the same writer tells us that “Wisdom” is more precious than jewels.  Wisdom, also named Sophia in ancient texts, is the feminine aspect of the Divine, so desiring to know God that she gave birth to humankind.  She is the Divine Mother, whispering pearls of wisdom and often personified by the mother figures and nurturers in our lives.

Mothers, indeed are often the voice of Pearls of Wisdom.  I know my mother had her favorites. “”When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” Mom’s teaching of resilience and persistence.  “You can’t judge a book by its cover.” Mom’s teaching of looking past appearances for a deeper meaning.  And, “Two wrongs don’t make a right,” Mom’s way of calling me to a higher action.

The mother figures in our lives as well as the mother essence in us, calls us to a higher action. Jesus’ mother was known to call him to action too.  You may recall the Wedding Feast at Cana when Mary informs Jesus that the couple has run out of wine.  Jesus replies, “What is that to me?”  sounding a bit like a rebellious teenager wondering why this should be his problem.  But there is another way to hear these words, “What is that to ME?  What is a little thing like running out of wine to me? What is that to the Christ, the anointed one?”

When something appears to be lacking, or slips in the back door of our consciousness, disturbing our peace what could we learn by responding with those words?  What is that to me?  What is that to the highest and best in me.  What is that to what is most precious in me? What is that to the Christ in me?  

Something came up for me recently, something slid in the back door of my consciousness. It was one of those comments that causes you to feel judged, tempts you to become defensive, to attack, to blame, to shame.  And so I asked “What is that to me?” What is that bringing up for me?  Is it bringing up that I’m somehow less than perfect?  Is it bringing up a need to change another’s perception of me?  And, what is that to the Christ in me? What is that to what Truly is perfect in me? And how can responding to this differently, from the place in me more precious than jewels make a difference? How can I be transformed by this and what would that look like? What would Love do here? What would Light do? What would a new thought, a new response and a new action do? Well that would change everything because it would change me and my own perception and I would see something much greater at work.

Would this change another person’s perception. Maybe. Maybe not. But when we let Light shine through us, and stand fully in our Christ self, we are so changed that the world around us begins to shift.  This is what is called to action by what is more precious than jewels in you.  The apostle Paul summed it up best with these words “Christ in you, your hope of Glory.”   

© 2017. Rev. Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving as the senior minister at Unity of Livonia, in Livonia, Michigan.

Star of Wonder

bright red flashIn this wondrous time of year, we witness the wonders of the first snow fall, of holiday lights and decorations, the glitter, the activity of giving, the excitement of children as they anticipate visits from Santa and extra days off from school. We hear the sounds of familiar carols playing in stores and churches and on car radios. And perhaps we hear these familiar words, “Star of Wonder, Star of Night, … guide us to thy perfect Light.” It is a song describing the journey of the Magi following a great and mysterious Light to the birth of the Christ, a sacred and glorious event in the story of humankind.

The Star of Wonder is more however than the guiding light to one mystical event in the history of humankind. It is also a symbol of the continuing story of birthing the Christ in us. The Star of Wonder is the Light that rises in our consciousness, even in the midst of what appears to be darkness, guiding us to the birth of the Christ Mind in us.

The true Wonder of this sacred and mystical story is not the star at all. It is not the Wise Men. It is not even the gifts that they bring. The true wonder is the light in you that rises in your consciousness and leads you to the sacred space in you that awakens the Christ in you. It is the Light in you that awakens you to the gifts already in your treasure chest. It is the Light in you that guides you to placing your life and your spiritual gifts under the care and guidance of the Christ in you.

The Wonder of this story is made manifest when we make all of our inner resources, the gifts of God within us, open to the Christ Mind by asking, “What would the Christ in me do? What would the Christ in me have me be?” The true Wonder of this story has always been the “… Christ in you, your hope of glory.” (Col. 1:27)

© 2016. Rev. Eileen Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity Minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia, in Livonia, Michigan

I Found My Heart Today

heart-dreamstimefree_12589058My Miracle today is that I found my heart! Not just metaphorically, though that is true as well.  I found a beautiful gold heart necklace that was hidden in the inner folds of a jewelry pouch I carry when I travel.  I had forgotten I even had this golden heart.  I have a silver one too and thought the gold one was a faulty memory.  This morning, as I prepared that pouch for my visit with my brother I felt something buried deep within the layers of fabric.  I couldn’t reach it through the four different zippered pockets.  I had to reach down into a small opening between the zipper and the seam.  I wasn’t even sure what I was feeling until I pulled it free.  So much like my own heart, it can become lost in the folds of emotions and put away in a drawer.  I may wear a silver heart, one that is almost as lovely as the gold, but not quite.  Gold is the color of Spiritual Understanding.  As an element it is pliable yet strong.  Gold is a mixture of red which represents life and yellow which represents wisdom and a touch of silvery glitter that represents the power of will aligned with Spirit.  I found my heart today and it is still gold.  I found my heart today and I open it wide to let God in.  I found my heart today and I let it sparkle and expand to envelop you in Love and Light. 

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.

Return to Center

MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAThink about how a PENDULUM works.  It is drawn from its center by a force or energy.  Eventually, after swinging to and fro, it will return to center as the force of gravity pulls it back. If more force or energy is applied to the original swing, the return to center will be delayed.  The workings of a PENDULUM are predictable and simultaneously miraculous; predictable as a law of physics, miraculous in its manifestation of Truth.  Spiritually, we are sometimes pulled from our center by outside energies and experiences.  But just as predictable as the return of the PENDULUM, we too return to center.  The miracle occurs when we make the conscious choice to defy the pull of outer energies and return right here, right now to our spiritual center.  The laws of physics are predictable, but the Law of Principle, the nature of God, the power of God within us, transcends the laws of physics.  This we experience as the miraculous.  Today I remember the miracle of the PENDULUM and I apply the force of Spirit upon the PENDULUM of emotion and I return quickly and easily to center.  From this place in the center of me I let my light shine that others may see the presence of God and be returned to center as well. 

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.


Miraculous Armor

The miracle I witness today is the ability to lay down the sword and put on the armor of God. This is what David did when facing Goliath. The world is at battle with itself, but I do not have to participate. A world at battle with itself is the reflection of the mind at battle with itself. The battle is the struggle to hold on to what is impermanent. The armor of God is not a suit of steel. It is not of the world. It is a consciousness, a stream of thought that is centered in the Tree of Life and not fooled by the knowledge of good and evil. In the consciousness of God, what seemed huge and powerful and terrifying has no power at all. When I put on this armor of God, I see beyond the illusion of separation. I see the essence of life that precedes all things. In this awareness, there is no battle to fight, there is no-thing that has power over me. I am guided by what is true and what is REAL. What seemed to be terrifying has no power at all, for God is the only power. Jesus said that heaven and earth would pass away but His words would not. What is permanent and does not pass away is the Truth that He taught and lived. In the human mind that believes in the permanence of the world there is constant battle and struggle to hold things as permanent. In the mind of God, there is only wholeness and Life. There is no battle. There is nothing to battle for. Today I put on the armor of God. I let go of what I know will pass away and I gather only what is True. I face the giant energies of a world at battle with the stones of faith, hope, love, wisdom and Truth. There is nothing that stands before me that is more powerful than the power of God within me.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.

Sacred Text or Sacred Portal?

bible-cc-6385742691_7c3b002bcf_qThe BIBLE is a sacred text with miraculous qualities that are often missed when focused only on the words on the page.  The miracle of the BIBLE is that the Word of God permeates every copy, every edition, every version in a way that transcends the translation errors, the political manipulations of the text, and even the consciousness of its human authors.  You see, the “Word” is not the words on the page. It never has been.  Rather it is the very Idea in the Mind of God that reaches through the text to the mind and heart of those who read it with the pure intention to commune with God.  The mistake that is often made is to believe that another can tell you the absolute meaning of a passage.  Although this can be very helpful, and there are those with great wisdom who connect with God through their own readings, the Truest message from God comes through when one sets the intention to be with God and allow the “Word” that is without syllables, translation, or text to be transmitted in their heart. 

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan. 

The Sun Is Out In Me Today


Whenever I think of the SUN, I hear the song from the Broadway Hit, “Annie,” pouring through my mind… “The SUN will come out tomorrow … tomorrow …”  And then I smile as I contemplate the underlying miracle of these words. The SUN is always there, just not out at the moment, not visible right now.  The SUN, the miraculous ball of fire in the sky is always present, always bringing warmth and light to everything in its path.  It can be obscured by clouds, pollution and by the turning of the planet, but it is always shining.  The Light in me, the spark of Divinity implanted by God is always shining too.  I AM indeed a virtual SUN, a Light not intended to be hidden.  Although circumstances and my own personal will or ego can obscure the Light in me I need only turn inward toward the Source of Light in me to feel the warmth and clarity of Spirit continuously shining through.  If I have turned away, or turned my attention and faith toward outer things and circumstances and my life seems cloudy and dark, I can instantly turn within and see the Light.  I AM a virtual SUN, a Light intended to shine and illuminate all that lies before me.  The SUN is a miracle and so am I.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan

A Positive Side of Fear?

fear-cc-2406378075_568feb9133_q-jpgFEAR is not usually considered a miracle.  Yet, FEAR has two very different sides or characteristics.  There is the FEAR generated by the ego and fueled by outer conditions, past experiences and the collective stream of FEAR consciousness. This FEAR is destructive, immobilizing and is a very long way from what one might consider a miracle.  But there is another side to FEAR.  FEAR in its intended expression is the voice of inner guidance, intuition.  It is a higher awareness calling out and keeping us from walking into the path of an approaching train or speeding vehicle.  This FEAR moves us gently out of harm’s way and reminds us to seek inner guidance.  It reminds us that we are never alone and that peace and harmony are just one thought, one dimension away.  This FEAR reminds us to close our eyes to appearances, close our ears to resounding gongs and clanging symbols, and seek the shelter of Divine Love where wisdom speaks with clarity, harmony and oneness.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.