Category Archives: Twelve Powers

Get a “Lovel” on That

LOVEL2.building-1080599_1920Carpenters and builders use a phrase, “Get a level on that,” which means placing a tool called a level on the surface of cabinets, shelving, and flooring to be sure they are not tipped too far in one direction or another. In other words, everything is balanced; you can drop a ball on the floor, and it will not roll to one side of the room or the other, and books will not fall off the shelves.

A level is a handy tool for building things that are balanced. But what if there was a useful tool for creating balance in life? What if you could similarly use the power of Love? What if we could get a “Lovel,” on things that might be out of balance in our lives?

Imagine this tool as a flat measuring stick with a bubble in the middle much like a carpenter’s level, but the bubble is more than an empty space in a tube of liquid. The bubble is a heart, representing an open space within you, filled with love.

Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, a New Thought spiritual movement, claimed that “Love is the great harmonizing power of the universe.” Love is not just an emotion. It is not only a romantic or familial connection to another person. It is a powerful resource within us, and it is essentially the stuff we are made of. The essence of this indwelling power of Love is harmony, the bringing together of two into one.

So how can that power be utilized as a “Lovel,” or a tool for balance? We could tune into the heart-shaped space within us to view everything through the harmonizing power of Love. Seeing things through the eyes of Love is more than placing rose-colored glasses over one’s eyes. It activates a flow of harmony which brings balance to the whole being. It doesn’t change the person, place, or thing that we are getting a “Lovel,” on.” It changes us.

Opening up to our inner “Lovel,” changes our energy, our perception, and the power we give to whatever is occurring. This three-fold transformation harmonizes our own thoughts, words, and actions. The very energy that we project then has a harmonizing effect on the person, place or thing that we are experiencing. Sometimes this effect is immediate and obvious, other times it is subtle, a gentle stirring in another’s soul that we cannot see, but have had a role in activating it.

Regardless of the effect on the outer experience, the activation of the harmonizing power of Love within us brings us into a more harmonized, balanced state of being. And isn’t that what we are really after? Living our lives in harmony and balance? It seems that the simple act of getting a “Lovel,” on life might make all the difference in our lives and ultimately in the world. Won’t you get a “Lovel,” on something today? It will make all the difference.

© 2019. Eileen DeRosia Patra, OUM, LUT, CSE

Eileen Patra is an ordained Unity minister, inspirational speaker, and the author of the soon to be released book, The Mystical Ark: A Vessel of Blessings

I Found My Heart Today

heart-dreamstimefree_12589058My Miracle today is that I found my heart! Not just metaphorically, though that is true as well.  I found a beautiful gold heart necklace that was hidden in the inner folds of a jewelry pouch I carry when I travel.  I had forgotten I even had this golden heart.  I have a silver one too and thought the gold one was a faulty memory.  This morning, as I prepared that pouch for my visit with my brother I felt something buried deep within the layers of fabric.  I couldn’t reach it through the four different zippered pockets.  I had to reach down into a small opening between the zipper and the seam.  I wasn’t even sure what I was feeling until I pulled it free.  So much like my own heart, it can become lost in the folds of emotions and put away in a drawer.  I may wear a silver heart, one that is almost as lovely as the gold, but not quite.  Gold is the color of Spiritual Understanding.  As an element it is pliable yet strong.  Gold is a mixture of red which represents life and yellow which represents wisdom and a touch of silvery glitter that represents the power of will aligned with Spirit.  I found my heart today and it is still gold.  I found my heart today and I open it wide to let God in.  I found my heart today and I let it sparkle and expand to envelop you in Love and Light. 

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.

Miraculous Armor

The miracle I witness today is the ability to lay down the sword and put on the armor of God. This is what David did when facing Goliath. The world is at battle with itself, but I do not have to participate. A world at battle with itself is the reflection of the mind at battle with itself. The battle is the struggle to hold on to what is impermanent. The armor of God is not a suit of steel. It is not of the world. It is a consciousness, a stream of thought that is centered in the Tree of Life and not fooled by the knowledge of good and evil. In the consciousness of God, what seemed huge and powerful and terrifying has no power at all. When I put on this armor of God, I see beyond the illusion of separation. I see the essence of life that precedes all things. In this awareness, there is no battle to fight, there is no-thing that has power over me. I am guided by what is true and what is REAL. What seemed to be terrifying has no power at all, for God is the only power. Jesus said that heaven and earth would pass away but His words would not. What is permanent and does not pass away is the Truth that He taught and lived. In the human mind that believes in the permanence of the world there is constant battle and struggle to hold things as permanent. In the mind of God, there is only wholeness and Life. There is no battle. There is nothing to battle for. Today I put on the armor of God. I let go of what I know will pass away and I gather only what is True. I face the giant energies of a world at battle with the stones of faith, hope, love, wisdom and Truth. There is nothing that stands before me that is more powerful than the power of God within me.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.

The Miracle of Hope

hope-dreamstimefree_30348689HOPE is a doorway to the miraculous.  HOPE is our ability to expect a positive outcome when there seems to be little evidence of it.  HOPE is the first glimmer of Faith that causes us to take action.  The woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment HOPED that she would be healed.  After 12 years of hemorrhaging, she saw a glimmer of HOPE in Him and His growing reputation as a miraculous healer. Jesus told her that her Faith had made her well.  Faith is HOPE in action. It is HOPE that causes the quickening of Faith, Strength and Will.  When we look out into the world and wonder how we can stop the hemorrhaging, it is this miraculous ability to have HOPE that stirs the greater power of the Christ in us to take positive action in order to manifest the peace, harmony and wholeness we wish to see and experience.  Through HOPE we know that our prayer intentions are more than just a plea to a chaotic universe.  Through HOPE we establish ourselves in the power and presence of the invisible Source of all peace and harmony.  We align our minds and hearts with the All-ness of God and our Faith returns us to the wholeness from which we come.  Today is the day to have HOPE and move in the direction of this miraculous stimulus for healing.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.


renewalREGENERATION, the process of making new, is evidence of the eternal and miraculous nature of Life. Life is continually renewing itself. Trees and plants continually grow, flower, bloom, become dormant and are then renewed.  The cells of the human body are continually replaced by new ones.  Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity taught that we are fully capable of REGENERATING and healing every cell, muscle and organ of the human body through our thoughts, words and actions.  This is not a far-fetched idea.  Rather, it is the outworking of what is our natural state of being; whole and complete.  As I align my heart and mind with God, with the All-ness of Life, my thoughts, words and actions support the continuous REGENERATION of all aspects of my being.  I AM whole, complete, in perfect health and aligned with the flow of Divine Life.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.

Zest for Life

zestZEST, an energetic quality that increases excitement or flavor is a powerful aspect of being.  A tiny amount of ZEST from the outer skin of a lemon adds an incredible amount of flavor to a dessert.  Add too much and the dessert may become bitter, overcome by the astringent flavor.  ZEST, like the spiritual faculty of ZEAL must be used with discretion.  When our excitement for an activity is balanced with Love, Understanding and Wisdom, we are propelled with ease and grace toward our goals.  Today, I tune in to this natural ZEST for life.  I allow the powers of Love, Wisdom and Understanding to balance the flavor of my being and I step forward with a mighty and Zest for the Life and all that is mine to do.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan

Spiritual Motivation

7984171587_2816bbfc63_mMOTIVATION is the inner impulse that moves us forward toward an intended goal or desire.  In its most spiritual expression it is the awakened power of Zeal or Enthusiasm directed from a Higher consciousness or awareness.  When I am aware of a higher activity at work in my life and in the world I can direct this inner impulse toward a greater good.  Many are stirred or “called” to manifest peace and harmony in the world.  Few remember that to manifest peace, one must BE peace.  MOTIVATION is a miraculous aspect of the human consciousness.  It moves us from a state of inertia to a state of activity.  Directed by the Christ Mind or Higher Consciousness, filtered through the Powers of Love and Understanding, SPIRITUAL MOTIVATION moves us from a state of desire to a state of Being that which we desire.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, MichiganThis Blog on Spiritual Motivation is an excerpt from the Spiritual Message “A Zest for Life” to be presented at Unity of Livonia Sunday, October 9th at 10:00 am

A Miracle A Day, Day 97 TELESCOPE houses a set of lenses that allow us to see over a great distance.  As I look through my telescope I can see the eagles nesting in the cellular tower ½ mile away.  They are just tiny specs, almost imperceptible to my physical eyes, but focusing this set of lenses I can see them as they build their nest, raise their young and then fly off to distant places. Through these lenses I can see the stars, satellites passing by, and the craters of the moon.  I can see things that are always there but too far away to see.  Did you know that we each have a telescope within us?  There are lenses we see through that can be focused to see more clearly.  We call this perspective and we can choose a new perspective any time.  We can also widen the lens to include other perspectives, gaining a greater view. We also have within us the ability to see the invisible.  Some call this faculty the third eye. Some call it clairvoyance.  The Hebrew Scriptures called those who could see the invisible prophets.  This inner telescope does not need to stretch out to see more clearly.  Rather, we simply need to allow the physical eyes to grow dim, to see through them less and behold instead the vision within us.  Seeing through spiritual eyes is like viewing a holograph that takes shape in our very midst.  The holograph is malleable, formable and greatly responsive to Light.  As I view the holographic image of myself and the world around me I see more clearly.  Judgment transforms to discernment.  Heaviness transforms to movement. Shadows become illuminated. Telescopes are miraculous devices and the telescope in me is miraculously and wondrously made.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.  To view the entire Miracle A Day series, visit her Facebook page

A Miracle A Day, Day 84 (1)TOILETS are another miracle of human ingenuity.  We have discovered a way to utilize the natural resource of water to wash away … well, “you know what.”  Metaphysically, we can appreciate TOILETS as the ability to flush away the “you know what” from our minds.  And, the ability to flush what is no longer useful in our minds or our lives is a miracle indeed.  But further, hold on to your hats here; God speaks to me through TOILETS!  OK, not a mysterious deep voice coming up through the plumbing, but in a subtler way.  The most dramatic episode of this occurred during my ministerial studies when I was asked to give the Sunday sermon while my minister was away.  Having worked with youth for many years I got excited about the idea of bringing the metaphysics of Oz to the adult congregation.  But then, a bunch of “you know what” started to gather in my mind.  What if they think it’s too childish of a message? What if they don’t get it?  What if I’m not good enough to pull this off?  Maybe the Wizard of Oz is just not the right theme?”  Well, as God would have it, I was still working in the secular world as a graphic artist running backstage PowerPoint presentations at large scale business meetings.  The week before I was to give the talk I traveled to Las Vegas for one of these conferences.  As I entered the hotel where the meeting was to be held, the background music playing was “If I Only Had a Brain.”  The hotel was the MGM Grand, and the way to our conference room just happened to sport a yellow-brick road.  Well, I began to gather God was assuring me my topic was just fine.  But as I entered my room later that evening there were still remnants of doubt pooling around in my head.  As I entered the bathroom, I noticed the TOILET.  Remember the TOILETS?  The brand stamped on the back of the toilet was, you guessed it, Toto!  That seriously flushed away any doubt still lingering within me.  And so, believe it or not, TOILETS are a miracle and God uses them to speak to me.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

A Miracle A Day, Day 76

ORDER, a spiritual faculty, is a miracle that is evidenced in all aspects of the physical realm.  Through ORDER, apple trees bring forth apples.  Orange trees bring forth Oranges and seeds of every kind bring forth the fruit of their type.  Through the power of ORDER, all things occur in right and perfect timing, despite our human perception of them.  Who has not experienced a long delay in the arrival of some anticipated event or object only to find a miracle embedded in the delay?  Surrendering to the spiritual power of ORDER, we acknowledge that all things unfold in the right and perfect way.  We let go of the need to control outcomes.  We let go of the need to rush or push or manipulate.  We begin to recognize that even the trials of our lives have a role in the unfolding of our greater good.  Surrendering to the absolute good of Divine ORDER yet moving forward with a steadfast faith, we walk in peace, harmony and grateful anticipation of our constantly unfolding good.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra