Tag Archives: consciousness

A Council of Nine

I heard these words this morning as sat in prayer for our planet: A Council of Nine. The words coincided with this question: What if we stopped fighting globalization and embraced it? What if we stopped trying to make one country or another great and made our planet great? Becoming one global community is the natural progression of an evolving species able to recognize their common ground. The constant battle for who is right and who is the mightiest must give way to a recognition of our common source, common needs, and common desires.

What if we stopped? Right now? What if we stopped this insane cycle of victim and victor consciousness and stepped into an elevated awareness? The goals, the desires, the deep needs of our hearts can never be met while this cycle continues. It is only in letting go of those childish ways that we mature as spiritual beings. As human beings, for that matter.

It is time to embrace one another. To honor one another’s history, to respect one another’s spiritual beliefs – or lack of them – and recognize we are one people. living on one planet, amid infinite universes. Together, we are strong, alive, and living our purpose. Divided, we step out of the rhythm and harmony of life, and we fall.

What is the Council of Nine? I’m still allowing those words to meander through my mind. Does it represent the seven chakras with an additional one for the earth and one for the sky? Perhaps. Do they represent nine aspects of human consciousness common to all sentient beings? Possibly. Does it represent nine highly evolved human beings, each representing a group of people here on earth – seven continents, one ocean, and one connecting the earth to the universe? A concept to ponder to be sure.

For today, I sit in an awareness that I am a spiritual being having a minimum of seven spiritual centers actively moving throughout my physical and energetic bodies, each connecting me through the ethers to all other beings. I focus too on the energy center below and the energy center above connecting me to earth and sky. I affirm my oneness with all that is and seek to find the subtly expanding light of individuals awakening everywhere. The threads of light connecting us create a great web of life, love, and universal harmony. This is the greatness upon which we must turn our attention. We are one, though some may not know it yet. We are one, and all is evolving and unfolding in perfect divine order.

© 2019. Eileen Patra.

Eileen Patra is an ordained Unity minister and the author of The Mystical Ark: A Vessel of Blessings available at www.themysticalark.com and other fine retailers.

A Sabbath of the Soul


(photo provided by: Pixabay: jillwellingtonphotography)

While considering what was “perfect” about the summers of my childhood, I recalled a consistent theme.  The summers I deemed to be perfect were timeless. There were no schedules to keep, no piles of homework, no vocabulary lists, no math, no science projects, and very few places to be.

As adults, living in a time-bound world, schedules keep us on task, tasks demand lists, and there are many places to go and be. But I wonder if, in the midst of all of this activity, we might recreate that sense of timelessness we once enjoyed as children? I think we can.

Recreating the timelessness of childhood requires just three things, a willingness to stop for just a moment and breathe, remembering that time is an illusion governed by the planet we inhabit, and letting go of all our thoughts, concerns, and lists for just a little while – even a single moment.

In this way, we command time to stand still. We shift from thinking and doing to being, and we open ourselves to the timelessness of Spirit. We remember what Moses called the Sabbath, a time of rest that, according to Jesus, was made for you and me.

Take a moment today, maybe even right now to “Remember the Sabbath” that lives right there inside of you. Take a momentary Sabbath of the Soul.

© 2019. Eileen DeRosia Patra, OUM, LUT, CSE

Eileen Patra is an ordained Unity minister and the author of the soon to be released book, The Mystical Ark: A Vessel of Blessings

(photo provided by: Pixabay: jillwellingtonphotography)

What does a 21-day complaint fast mean to me?

woman-954785_1920-1It means taking care with every thought and word I express. Although an adverse thought is not necessarily a “complaint,” it does require carefully acknowledgement and often a shift of consciousness to expressing it in words or actions.

Conversation takes on a much quieter character as we carefully consider our words before speaking them. Likewise, expressing thoughts about what is happening around us, particularly the news, becomes an activity for deep contemplation. If what we focus our attention on is what we create and experience, careful reflection on our thoughts, opinions, perspectives, and responses becomes critically important to our own well-being and that which the world experiences too.

Today, after a brief setback earlier this week, I continue my fast. I notice that there are a number of positive things happening in the world. I give thanks for those and consider them answered prayer. As I look at the things occurring that still cause my heart to ache, my mind to contort my inner Christ to remind me to ‘shift that thought!” I choose to keep the words of complaint and judgment to myself. I express the facts and specific needs, but not the judgement. I take positive action where possible and I choose to look at challenging occurrences in a new Light, one of spiritual unfoldment, and a evolutionary movement within the heart of humankind that leaves no stone unturned, no dark place hidden so that we might release, transform, and ascend to greater heights.

© 2018. Rev. Eileen Patra. Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity Minister currently serving Unity of Livonia in Livonia, MI. You can view her Sunday messages online at http://www.unityoflivonia.org 


Miraculous Armor

The miracle I witness today is the ability to lay down the sword and put on the armor of God. This is what David did when facing Goliath. The world is at battle with itself, but I do not have to participate. A world at battle with itself is the reflection of the mind at battle with itself. The battle is the struggle to hold on to what is impermanent. The armor of God is not a suit of steel. It is not of the world. It is a consciousness, a stream of thought that is centered in the Tree of Life and not fooled by the knowledge of good and evil. In the consciousness of God, what seemed huge and powerful and terrifying has no power at all. When I put on this armor of God, I see beyond the illusion of separation. I see the essence of life that precedes all things. In this awareness, there is no battle to fight, there is no-thing that has power over me. I am guided by what is true and what is REAL. What seemed to be terrifying has no power at all, for God is the only power. Jesus said that heaven and earth would pass away but His words would not. What is permanent and does not pass away is the Truth that He taught and lived. In the human mind that believes in the permanence of the world there is constant battle and struggle to hold things as permanent. In the mind of God, there is only wholeness and Life. There is no battle. There is nothing to battle for. Today I put on the armor of God. I let go of what I know will pass away and I gather only what is True. I face the giant energies of a world at battle with the stones of faith, hope, love, wisdom and Truth. There is nothing that stands before me that is more powerful than the power of God within me.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.

Gratitude: A Magnet for Good

gratitude-dreamstimefree_138084GRATITUDE is the miraculous awareness that one is surrounded and supported by Divine Love; that a need or desire has been anticipated and met. GRATITUDE is a universal feeling, a miraculous state of being with the power to open our entire being to a receptive state of consciousness. When we are in GRATITUDE we are in alignment with our higher self and with the Source of our being.  GRATITUDE and miracles are synonymous, for it is GRATITUDE that opens the door to the experience of all that is miraculous. As I look for miracles in everyday life, I find that I look for those things I feel most grateful for.  GRATITUDE is a feeling, an energy, a vibration and a portal to the miraculous.  As I recognize and appreciate the many gifts of life my awareness expands, and my eyes are open to even more.  GRATITUDE has the capacity to open the heart, relax tightened muscles and release feelings of fear, anger and separation.  One cannot be grateful and angry simultaneously.  One cannot be grateful and fearful at once.  GRATITUDE is the recognition of God-ness in expression as miracles, large and small, dancing in the rhythm of Life.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.

A Magnet with Choice?

magnet-cc-10330622805_f9e64832eb_qMAGNETS are miraculous objects that attract various substances with a mysterious and often powerful force.  MAGNETS are useful for lifting, holding, separating, retrieving, and sensing. They are found in everyday objects and tools such as speakers, doorbells, microwaves, televisions, compasses and, of course, on the door of many American refrigerators.   Like a MAGNET, we draw to us a variety of experiences.  Our thoughts, feelings and emotions create a field of energy which draws to us similar energies.  Unlike a MAGNET, we can choose our thoughts, move through our feelings and emotions, consciously creating our energy field to attract that which we desire.  When we fall asleep to this inner power of choice, or we give this power away to the challenges that appear before us, we attract whatever is showing up and we allow it to multiply in our consciousness.  A MAGNET has no apparent choice in what it attracts, but we do. What will you choose to attract today?  What thought or belief will you release in order to stop attracting something?  What will you focus on with all your heart and mind that will attract a more powerful, harmonious experience in your life?  What will you hold in mind and place your faith in that is a more powerful MAGNET for good? 

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.

A Positive Side of Fear?

fear-cc-2406378075_568feb9133_q-jpgFEAR is not usually considered a miracle.  Yet, FEAR has two very different sides or characteristics.  There is the FEAR generated by the ego and fueled by outer conditions, past experiences and the collective stream of FEAR consciousness. This FEAR is destructive, immobilizing and is a very long way from what one might consider a miracle.  But there is another side to FEAR.  FEAR in its intended expression is the voice of inner guidance, intuition.  It is a higher awareness calling out and keeping us from walking into the path of an approaching train or speeding vehicle.  This FEAR moves us gently out of harm’s way and reminds us to seek inner guidance.  It reminds us that we are never alone and that peace and harmony are just one thought, one dimension away.  This FEAR reminds us to close our eyes to appearances, close our ears to resounding gongs and clanging symbols, and seek the shelter of Divine Love where wisdom speaks with clarity, harmony and oneness.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.  

Which Side Is The Whole?

cc-60951926_ce28b7a4b9_qCOINS, flat metal discs that symbolize a measure of abundance have two distinct sides, typically called heads and tails.  The heads side alone is not the COIN.  The tails side alone is not the COIN.  The COIN is a multi-dimensional object representing at least two distinct sides to one idea.  In our lives there are a variety of thoughts, ideas and feelings.  Each have more than one side, more than one perspective.  The idea of abundance for instance has two sides; giving and receiving. They are equally important. One cannot fully exist without the other.  If there is no receiving, nothing has truly been given.  If there is no giving, nothing is received.  The space in which we live fully in the abundance of God lies in the balance between the two sides of the abundance COIN.  What idea, feeling or emotion is tugging at your consciousness today?  How many sides does it have?  Is it like a COIN with two distinct sides; each having equal importance? And where is the point of balance between the two?  How can you move yourself into that place of balance and experience what is whole?  Could a simple flip of the COIN be the miracle in your life today?

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.  

A Miracle A Day, Day 118

river-cc-16328391906_5645a821d2_qRIVERS are the miraculous pathways the crisscross the earth moving life-giving water from one place to another.  Like streams of energy, they move toward the lowest ground.  Our spiritual body is an intricate system of energies connected by streams of thought, intention and vibration.  Unlike RIVERS of water, we can easily direct the flow of energy in our being. We can choose to let it flow to the lowest space in our consciousness. Or, we can choose to direct our energies higher and bring the entire being into a state of balance or homeostasis.  RIVERS are a manifestation of the miraculous process of flow infinitely occurring in our minds and in the universe.  When we become aware of this process and our ability to direct the flow it becomes irresistible to step into it. And then, we become the RIVER crisscrossing the field of consciousness moving and directing life-giving energy from one thought to another. 

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.  

A Miracle A Day, Day 44

face-985964_960_720EMPATHY, the ability to share another’s feelings as if they are our own lifts us into a higher realm of consciousness that more fully manifests our oneness.  Aligned with this higher realm of principle, EMPATHY has all the attributes of a miracle. Last night I witnessed an incredible display of this aspect of human consciousness as hundreds, if not thousands of people responded to a prayer request on Facebook.  It was clear that everyone responding could feel the feelings of the person requesting prayer.  Each person could imagine themselves in the same experience.  The outpouring of love and prayer and affirmations for healing was incredible.  EMPATHY drew together a massive number of people into a common prayer intention.  In the words of Jesus “… where two or more of you are gathered in my name, there I AM…”  This drawing together through the power of EMPATHY made visible a conscious communion with the Christ in each responder.  The power of this collective prayer consciousness is right now manifesting in right and perfect ways, drawing the wholeness of those involved into visible form.  EMPATHY is a miracle that draws together that which is already one, so that our oneness in Spirit is made more visible.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.  To view the entire Miracle A Day series, visit her Facebook page.