Tag Archives: grace

A Blue Heron Crossed My Path

This morning, as I looked out the kitchen window of our cabin, I saw my Blue Heron. He doesn’t belong to me in an ownership way. No one can own a heron. They are free and independent beings. But this heron has graced the shore of our lake since before we bought the place. I’m sure it is not the same heron. Probably an offspring, maybe several generations later, but there is always just the one. Sometimes he flies by. Sometimes he lands on our raft, called Monkey Island. Most often, though, he just walks the shore as if he is taking a morning stroll. Hunting is more likely, but his grace and beauty convey a stroll.

Today, as I watched this glorious being on his daily constitutional, I stopped what I was doing and attempted to unite with him energetically. The endeavor became my morning meditation. I watched, then close my eyes and imagined being there next to him, asking if I could join him. I inquired what his message was for me, and he stopped. He stopped right in front of Monkey Island and stood for the longest time. I thought perhaps he saw me and perceived a threat. Or, maybe he heard me and was either considering my request or seeking to answer my question.

The first word I heard was “patience.” He stood utterly motionless for what seemed like hours. I watched the water move about him in circular currents, one merging with the other. It was a beautiful sight to see. A painting I may attempt someday. The heron stood as if frozen in time, as the currents moved past him and all around him. They encircled him then subsided. Still, there he stood like a statue, unmoving, one eye peering in my direction. “I’m not a predator,” I said.

“Your eyes tell me otherwise.” He replied.

I stood still, allowing him to perceive that I was not a threat, just curious and receptive. Then I saw the other thing that held him captive in that spot. It was Monkey Island, an obstacle. He stood before the obstacle and waited for what seemed like an eternity to me. I hadn’t noticed the raft as an obstacle before. I think I heard him call it that. “Obstacle.”

I wonder if he will go around it or fly over it, I thought.

No sooner had the thought left my head than he lifted his foot above the water, stretched his head up high, and slowly, purposefully moved around the raft. He walked over the yellow rope fastening it to the shore for the winter. He ducked under the little plank we use as a bridge to it. He gracefully lifted his feet over the second yellow rope as if it were not even there. He then continued his walk along the shore, past the pine trees that border our yard from our neighbors, and then out of sight.

A heron crossed my path today. He shared his grandeur with me. He allowed me to watch and admire him. His message was patience, observation, and purposeful steps around obstacles. I feel blessed and inspired. Thank you, dear Blue Heron. You are mine, but more, you are yours, and you are everyone’s, a blessing in the form of Light, feathers, warmth, patience, and beauty.

© 2019. Eileen Patra. Eileen Patra is the author of “The Mystical Ark: A Vessel of Blessings” available at www.themysticalark.com and other fine retailers. She is also an ordained Unity minister guest speaking around the country bringing her message of Love, Light and Hope to people everywhere.

Photo courtesy of Scottslm/Pixabay

Zest for Life

zestZEST, an energetic quality that increases excitement or flavor is a powerful aspect of being.  A tiny amount of ZEST from the outer skin of a lemon adds an incredible amount of flavor to a dessert.  Add too much and the dessert may become bitter, overcome by the astringent flavor.  ZEST, like the spiritual faculty of ZEAL must be used with discretion.  When our excitement for an activity is balanced with Love, Understanding and Wisdom, we are propelled with ease and grace toward our goals.  Today, I tune in to this natural ZEST for life.  I allow the powers of Love, Wisdom and Understanding to balance the flavor of my being and I step forward with a mighty and Zest for the Life and all that is mine to do.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan

A Miracle A Day, Day 86

anchor.cc.450458917_05a1ffb1e9_qANCHORS are the miracle that keeps us stable in the midst of the waves and winds of life.  When boating, an anchor keeps us in the place of our choosing, minimizing the effect of wind and waves.  As I watched the 4th of July parade from my paddle boat last week I became acutely aware of how an anchor would have been useful.  The wind was gentle but steadily moved me toward a sea of lily pads.  Although beautiful to view, the lily pads get tangled in the paddle wheel and wrap around the rudder making it almost impossible to move or steer the boat.  Much of my time during the parade was spent paddling away from the lily pads.  It was a bit distracting and rather exhausting leaving me with little energy for the return trip.  In our lives, we have a variety of ANCHORS that keep us from drifting away from where we choose to be. Our ANCHORS may be Friends, Family, Mentors, or our Spiritual Foundation.  An affirmation, a statement of Truth or a deep faith in a Power greater than ourselves can ANCHOR us in a stable place of consciousness, reducing the effects of the winds and waves of life.  ANCHORS are a miracle granted to each of us and they sometimes show up in unexpected places, people and events.  For the ANCHORS in our lives to be effective, we have to use them; drop them into the watery energy that is our thoughts, feelings and emotions. ANCHORed in the gifts of Spirit, we remain stable, our rudder stays clear, and we can steer through the winds and waves of life with ease and grace.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

A Miracle A Day, Day 79

wheels.cc.1322753070_a494547d12_qWHEELS.  Who can deny the incredible difference the discovery of the WHEEL has made on our human experience.  WHEELS move our vehicles, operate intricate machinery, and make our work in the world easier and more efficient.  And then there are the WHEELS in our minds.  The ability to turn things over and all around.  While these can operate when we wish they would rest, they also provide us with perspective, inspiration and the ability to move.  The WHEEL came into being because a WHEEL began to turn within the mind of a human being.  A WHEEL is the manifestation of an idea that carries heavy loads with ease.  There is a WHEEL in each of us that can carry the heaviest of loads and move us forward with ease and grace.  We access this WHEEL when we release the load, the thoughts, the worries and concerns and allow the ever moving breath of Spirit to flow through our minds and hearts.

“For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:30 (NKJV)

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra