Tag Archives: prophet

A Miracle A Day, Day 97

telescope.cc.2461355915_755e9708eb_mA TELESCOPE houses a set of lenses that allow us to see over a great distance.  As I look through my telescope I can see the eagles nesting in the cellular tower ½ mile away.  They are just tiny specs, almost imperceptible to my physical eyes, but focusing this set of lenses I can see them as they build their nest, raise their young and then fly off to distant places. Through these lenses I can see the stars, satellites passing by, and the craters of the moon.  I can see things that are always there but too far away to see.  Did you know that we each have a telescope within us?  There are lenses we see through that can be focused to see more clearly.  We call this perspective and we can choose a new perspective any time.  We can also widen the lens to include other perspectives, gaining a greater view. We also have within us the ability to see the invisible.  Some call this faculty the third eye. Some call it clairvoyance.  The Hebrew Scriptures called those who could see the invisible prophets.  This inner telescope does not need to stretch out to see more clearly.  Rather, we simply need to allow the physical eyes to grow dim, to see through them less and behold instead the vision within us.  Seeing through spiritual eyes is like viewing a holograph that takes shape in our very midst.  The holograph is malleable, formable and greatly responsive to Light.  As I view the holographic image of myself and the world around me I see more clearly.  Judgment transforms to discernment.  Heaviness transforms to movement. Shadows become illuminated. Telescopes are miraculous devices and the telescope in me is miraculously and wondrously made.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.  To view the entire Miracle A Day series, visit her Facebook page