Tag Archives: quenching

A Miracle A Day, Day 50

mud.cu.dreamstimefree_286757MUD, the miraculous mixture of the elements of earth and water is a useful substance in the world of form.  In the late sixties I recall a song I heard at a local coffee house (yes coffee was big then too) called “MUD.”  The lyrics were something like this, “MUD, MUD, glorious MUD. There’s nothing quite like it for soothing the blood.”  I loved that song and all these years later the tune comes to mind as I wipe the MUD from dog’s feet on a spring morning before letting him walk on the rug.  It comes to mind as I add water to the earth creating a receptive mixture for the plants I will place there to grow and bloom.  It comes to mind when I see architectural ruins of MUD shelters and containers made from the surrounding clay.  What an ingenious substance! And what a metaphysical message!  The earth, the world of form, becomes more pliable, more useful, more soothing when water is added.  Water has many metaphysical meanings, but here, let us look at its qualities of cleansing, quenching and nourishing.  Water in its most spiritual form cleanses the mind and heart of worrisome thoughts and limiting beliefs. Water in its Spiritual form quenches our desire for spiritual unfoldment. Water nourishes what grows in the earth and the water of Life nourishes the soul, that which is meant to be fruitful and multiply.  When water is mixed with the earth it creates a substance that can provide shelter, form a container, and feel luxuriously soothing as it squishes between fingers and toes.  MUD, the mixture of earth and water, body and Spirit; there’s nothing quite like that for soothing the blood.

© 2016. Reverend Eileen DeRosia Patra

Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister currently serving at Unity of Livonia in Livonia, Michigan.  To view the entire Miracle A Day series, visit her Facebook page.